3 mins read

Best 6 Applications of AI and ML in eCommerce: CodeGlo

3 mins read

From personalization to dynamic pricing, AI and ML are driving change across the
e-commerce landscape. 

It is necessary to know the powerful applications, to make their best use in your
online store.

So, in this article, we’ve listed the top 6 applications of AI and ML in e-commerce,
and how it is helping your customers to shop online and expand your business. 

Let’s dive in:

Personalization For Higher Customer Engagement 

Personalization is one of the key applications of AI and ML in eCommerce to
increase conversion rates.

Because personalized shopping experiences lead to increased customer loyalty,
customers feel being listened to, and their needs met.

It captures their attention and makes them come back to your store.

For example:

A Shoe online store uses AI and ML algorithms to analyze customer data.

And suggest him shoe brands similar to what he has already bought, or types of
shoes he explores often like Sneakers.

In this way, you can provide personalized content to your customers like similar
product  recommendations, targeted ads, and tailored email campaigns.

It increases customer engagement, drives cross-sells and upsells, and slash
customer churn.

Thereby, boosting your eCommerce conversions and revenue.

Want to provide provide personalized eCommerce shopping experience with AI/ML

Improved Customer Service

Another significant application of AI and ML in e-commerce is customer service. 

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants offer quick and efficient 24/7 customer
service like  product information, order tracking, and common queries. 

That frees up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex
issues and

Now, you might be wondering, how does it work?

AI chatbots can understand customer queries and provide accurate and relevant
answers, by using natural language processing (NLP) algorithms.

This way, your overall customer experience gets better, as customers can get quick
and helpful responses to their questions.

Besides virtual customer service agents, you can use AI and ML to automate other
aspects of customer service, such as order processing and delivery tracking. 

Get Enhanced Delivery And Logistics

Delivery and logistics applications are of incredible value to the customers.

eCommerce businesses often lose their customers due to late deliveries and
customer dissatisfaction.

Customers may order one product over the other just because of one factor, fast
delivery time.

But with AI, eCommerce merchants can reduce delivery times by getting the most
efficient delivery routes and schedules.

Not only this, eCommerce businesses can predict delivery times more accurately to
provide customers with real-time updates on the status of their delivery. 

As a result:

Customer satisfaction and retention increase as they remain updated about the
delivery process and get faster delivery.

Keep Fraudsters Away With Fraud detection

Fraud detection is an instrumental application of AI and ML in e-commerce. 

AI algorithms can assist you to analyze customer behavior and transactions in real
time, and identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. 

This not only enhances eCommerce store security, but also helps to maintain
customer trust.

Even better:

You can continuously improve eCommerce fraud detection systems by leveraging
machine learning algorithms.

And your customers feel safe while transacting money as you safeguard their
personal and financial information.

Smarter Inventory Management

The application of AI and ML inventory management is changing the way
eCommerce businesses keep their reserves.

AI algos notify eCommerce dealers about how much inventory to keep in peak
seasons and festivals.

This helps to ensure that popular products are always in stock, reducing the risk of
stockouts to fine-tune customer delivery experiences.

Here’s the best part:

You can also predict future demand for products, allowing you to plan your
inventory accordingly. 

That reduces waste as businesses can avoid overstocking products, not in high

Be One-Step Ahead With Pricing Optimization 

Pricing optimization is one of the crucial applications of AI and ML in eCommerce. 

It involves determining the optimal price for a product that maximizes profit while
attracting more customers. 

AI and machine learning algorithms serve your e-commerce businesses to optimize
your pricing strategies in several ways:

Dynamic Pricing

AI and machine learning algorithms inspect historical sales data, customer
behavior, and market data to adjust prices in real time. 

It ensures that prices are updated in response to market changes, competition, and
customer demand.

Personalized Pricing

AI algorithms examine customer data like location, demographic information, and
purchase history to offer personalized pricing to each customer. 

With this, e-commerce businesses offer prices that are tailored to the unique needs
and preferences of each customer. 

That results in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Profit Optimization

AI and ML algorithms can evaluate customer demand, costs, and profit margins to
determine the perfect price for each product.

So, eCommerce businesses attract more customers by estimating the right price and
removing the guesswork on pricing products. 

Also, it assists traders to sell products in certain periods of time maximizing sales
and profitability. 

Pave Your Way To Matchless Quality

Incorporating AI and ML into your eCommerce business brings numerous benefits
such as increased efficiency and data-driven decision making.

Harness the power of technology and take your business to the next level by
optimizing your operations

Personalize customer interactions, and drive growth with CodeGlo’s optimized AI
and machine learning models quickly and easily.

Learn more about our services and how our team can help you succeed in the
rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Try advanced AI and ML to accelerate your business